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The Full Circle Initiative
We share our profits with nature and people
We find innovative ways to conserve rainforests and improve the well-being of local communities

The Full Circle Initiative returns value-chain earnings back to the source. Sustainable coexistence between nature and people is our goal. We seek to conserve threatened rainforests and assist local community development by supporting innovative, locally owned projects. These projects are jointly evaluated to create a learning environment.

Our pilot project Landscape Stewardship for Nature and People (LSNP) is located in northeastern Madagascar, in the remote village of Fizono, on the border of one of the last remaining (and threatened) rainforests in Madagascar.
We support the development of locally owned innovative projects, which we call iLabs. Each project combines innovation and endogenous knowledge to create synergies between social well-being and rainforest conservation.

Our Switzerland- and Madagascar-based team brings together academics from both countries, the private sector, and a local multi-stakeholder platform.
Processes are developed and monitored by experienced experts from the universities of Bern and Antananarivo and the Swiss not-for-profit incolab.
Backed up by market experience and funding from the Full Circle Initiative founder, we combine expert knowledge of complex local realities with an adaptive management approach that catalyses successful innovations.

Week 46 update: Some villagers have started unfunded activities, like our iLab projects and are asking if new ideas will be considered for funding. We think this shows how the initiative gained trust within the local population.
Additionally, some people are copying iLab activities, mainly the pisciculture.
The iLabs projects which do not produce food seem to have difficulties to sell during lean season. So, we are searching for solutions to keep them afloat during that season.
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